Aktueller Inhalt von jeroenp

  1. jeroenp

    fritzcap: Tool für Etherreal Trace und Audiodaten-Extraktion v2.0

    I am looking for people to maintain and document fritzcap. Having for now survived metastasised rectum cancer, but still recovering from all the treatments (energy is about 25% of what I used to have), i need to tell you my further health future does not look bright. I have passed the moment of...
  2. jeroenp

    [Info] new fritzcap.py version 2.3

    Thanks for confirming it works. Please: mark a comment in https://github.com/jpluimers/fritzcap/issues/11 that it works for you create new issues in https://github.com/jpluimers/fritzcap/issues for: deleting cap files deleting unmuxed WAV files encoding muxed WAV files in a compressed form...
  3. jeroenp

    [Info] new fritzcap.py version 2.3

    Done; you can get it from https://github.com/jpluimers/fritzcap/releases/tag/v2.3.1
  4. jeroenp

    [Info] new fritzcap.py version 2.3

    This commit should fix it: https://github.com/jpluimers/fritzcap/commit/940430828f9af97f6164049d7ecf02176ea54e82 Fixes #11 and use semantic versioning - when there is monitoring, but no capture, indicate so in `fritzcap.py` main script - new threading base class `ExceptionLoggingThread` that...
  5. jeroenp

    [Info] new fritzcap.py version 2.3

    Hi duffy6, I've not bumped into this error myself before so I'd like to reproduce it. Can you post this as an issue to https://github.com/jpluimers/fritzcap/issues including: - the date at which you got it from the master branch (see https://github.com/jpluimers/fritzcap/network for the...
  6. jeroenp

    [Frage] Looking for input on Fritz!Box capture interfaces

    (Sorry for doing this in English; I can read and speak German fine, but getting the writing bearable for readers is well...; feel free to answer in German though) Now that I've done some `fritzcap` maintenance, I'm looking for more information in the interfaces that can be captured on a...
  7. jeroenp

    fritzcap: Tool für Etherreal Trace und Audiodaten-Extraktion v2.0

    New version 2.3 in the below thread; please post bug reports and feature requests there: http://www.ip-phone-forum.de/showthread.php?t=295776&p=2229799
  8. jeroenp

    [Info] new fritzcap.py version 2.3

    new fritzcap.py version 2.3 that fixes these issues: - #1 can capture from Fritz!Boxes other than named fritz.box - #2 can logon to Fritz!Boxes configured for named login (not just root) - #3 .gitignore bytecode and log files - #4 supports Mac OS X / MacOS in addition to Linux and Windows - #5...
  9. jeroenp

    fritzcap: Tool für Etherreal Trace und Audiodaten-Extraktion v2.0

    Sorry for doing this in English; I can read and speak German fine, but getting the writing bearable for readers is well... I've tried finding if anyone is still maintaining fritzcap in a public repository, but couldn't. I did find https://github.com/elpatron68/fritzcap which was an export of...
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